We believe privacy is a human right. The Leo Wallet was born to protect people’s financial freedom and identity.
The principles we care about are security, reliability, privacy, simplicity, and protection.
Our new look and feel bring those principles to life in a way that will resonate with our early community, and also scale to billions of users.
We are excited to introduce the new face of the Leo wallet.

We call this new logo the Leo Lock, which creates a lock from the two “L’s” in waLLet.

The Leo Wallet has already started getting into the hands of builders, developers, and privacy enthusiasts. We will continue to expand the reach of Leo as the underlying Aleo blockchain gets further developed.
We want to create a safe space for people to thrive in. Our goal is to continue adding value and building towards the future we all want to live in.
Leo is a privacy first wallet for a privacy first network.
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